Saturday, October 15, 2011

First Aid in Dushanbe

Yesterday while I was sitting in my comfy chair, I heard a noise that sounded like an axe thunking into a tree. I ran to my window (really it was more of a two step sidle) and looked out. I saw a car stopped in front of a Tajik man who was on the ground. He was writhing around while clutching his briefcase with a death grip (everyone has a briefcase) as a mob surrounded the offending vehicle, not allowing it to take off. After a few seconds, one man from the mob stepped out into the busy street, the busiest in Dushanbe, and flagged down a vehicle wjose driver said a few words and sped on. The second behicle did stop and to my horror, the semi-conscious victim was hefted to his feet and pushed toward the open car door. He almost fell, and I imagined that it was due to either a massive concussion or the pain from several broken ribs piercing his spleen and other organs. Perhaps it was a bit of both. He didn't fall because several hands didn't allow that to happen as the men kept pushing him along, forcing him into the backseat of the car. To his credit, he never dropped his briefcase, and I surmise it was because his hand was crushed around the handle after the car smashed him into the ground, and to be fair, there was no way for it to fall away.

A policeman in a civilian car stopped in front of the vehicle, and just as fast as it happened, it was over. The crowd dispersed immediately and the victim was on his way somewhere in a comandeered vehicle. The whole process took less than a minute and the loud, racous mob that was one harmonious swarm of bees, was quickly back to individual drone units on the lookout for nectar. Remind me not to get hurt.


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